Wrapped Stones Necklace


Cute wrapped stones necklace.

1 in stock


Cute wrapped stones necklace.

The actual colors may vary from those shown. This will depend on the device you are using to view the product. The angle the item is photographed at may also play a role.

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I make items inspired by nature with a natural look and feel. While some may see flaws as something to shy away from, I see them as unique characteristics that enhance a product and make it unique.  Especially when it comes to handmade items like this wrapped stones necklace. While I strive to produce the best product possible, mistakes can happen. I request that you allow me an opportunity to correct any issues before taking to social media and lodging a complaint. For small businesses, word of mouth is crucial and can negatively impact businesses like mine. If you love this wrapped stones necklace, please rate the product on the site.  Please share your experience on my social media platforms. You can click here for my Facebook link, and the Instagram link can be found above. You can also find me on Twitter here.
Our refund policy can be found here.

Additional information

Dimensions 25 cm

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